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Google Will Add New Feature In G-Suit to Make things More Secured For The Users

Ariana Johnson
Google Will Add New Feature In G-Suit to Make things More Secured For The Users

Google one by one is taking steps to ensure its users that all the security aspects are being revamped to protect them from any threat.

Recent attacks on the Android Play Store by the malware and the bug app breached in G-suit targeting the Gmail accounts of the users put a question on the security.

The tech giant has started its campaign against security breach of the hackers by taking action on the recent Google doc incident.

In early May Google was hit by the widespread publishing spam breaching into G-suit.

Now the admin has the authority to grant or block the permission to any employee for accessing any suspicious app.

The company mentioned that the attack on the Google doc is backed by a dubious app which asked for Gmail sign in.

Ariana Johnson
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