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Food dishes you ought to try in Patagonia

Zoya Bhatt
Food dishes you ought to try in Patagonia

Patagonia is certainly not the ideal destination for foodies nor is food the first thought you have when Patagonia is mentioned. It is rather known for adventure related activities like hiking or trekking. However, this doesn’t mean that you would have to spend your days on instant noodles and pasta that is cooked on a camping stove. For the ones who visit Patagonia in Argentina for work or such activities need not be disappointed as Patagonia is among the lesser known places for its food. The place is dominated by lamb and fresh seafood items. Patagonia Holiday Packages are capable of being completely unexpected in terms of food. It serves a wild variety of cuisines sure to please your taste buds.

1. The spit roast lamb

Cordero al Palo, as known in Patagonia, is a must-taste dish for any meat lover out there. The dish is made with Spit Roast Lamb which is cooked over an open log fire for several hours until the outside portion is crisp. The lamb acquires a smoked taste which is truly mouth-watering! Reputed tour guides will insist you with best ever places. At some places even prior reservations are required, everything will be done here with pro ease.

Also read: 5 Mind blowing Adventures in Patagonia

2. Chupe de Centolla

Indeed a Patagonian King Crab Pie, this can be for the day when you aren’t in a mood for any meat. It is the traditional Chilean dish which includes cooking the seafood in a stew along with breadcrumbs making it a thick creamy dish. What’s more?! The dish is garnished with grated cheese that adds to the crab’s authentic flavour... read more

Zoya Bhatt
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