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The use of the blockchain in medicine

Anaïs De Séverac
The use of the blockchain in medicine

The English version of article how to implement blockchain technology in healthcare.

Even with a 2016 blockchain started to draw the attention of the banks, and Microsoft announced about the intentions to develop blockchain-based platform.

Already the real deal was carried out in the same year, the startup Wave, Ornua company and Barclays Bank.

Earlier work with documents due to the bureaucratic nuances would have taken weeks, but due to the automated process of verification and cryptography managed to cope for about 4 hours.

According to Statista, the market for Blockchain technologies will grow from $ 339 million in 2017 to $ 2.3 billion in 2021.

Thus, there is no possibility of DDoS attacks.

Anaïs De Séverac
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