AI Products 

Price Match Extension for Magento

Henry Roger
Price Match Extension for Magento

Sometimes, customers come across a lower price of the same product that they see on your website. Enabling such customers to report that and ask for a custom quote helps in converting those customers. The extension that adds this functionality to your store is called price match extension.

Extension for Magento price match by FME adds this functionality with a lot of extra features. It allows you to add a "Found a lower price? Tell us!" button to report a lower price. You can acquire the price match details such as competitor URL, price, name & email of the potential buyer etc. in a request form. Customers can also request a free quote using a request form

Magento price match extension also allows you to enable auto-replying your customers' lower price and quote requests. Additionally, you can configure email settings to interact with your potential customers. 


Henry Roger
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