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4 Mobile App Marketing Techniques You Need To Succeed

Jignesh vaghasiya
4 Mobile App Marketing Techniques You Need To Succeed

That is, campaigns primarily aimed to drive app installs; what happened afterward was less of a focal point.

Here are four mobile app marketing techniques you need to succeed, both in terms of user acquisition and retention.

Quick Response (QR) codes saw a meteoric rise a few years ago, only to decline in popularity as they reached their saturation point.

For app marketers, this puts QR codes back on the radar as a viable way to engage with new mobile users.

Instead of having to assemble these dynamic ads manually, artificial intelligence algorithms can now do so automatically based on user data.

These ads can also target mobile users with a higher likelihood of engaging based on their similarities to a currently active user base, driving engagement rather than shot-in-the-dark installs.

Jignesh vaghasiya
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