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Personalized Medicine Market Share, Size and Growth | Forecast To 2022

anjali varma
Personalized Medicine Market Share, Size and Growth | Forecast To 2022

To cope up with biopharmaceutical research & development, companies such as Pfizer have introduced “precision medicine”, which is capable of delivering treatments based on disease mechanism and the capacity to target and develop therapies for patients.

Personalized medicine market is driven by rise in reimbursement support & regulatory framework coupled with increase in R activities for next generation sequencing for genetic mapping of patients by clinicians and medical practitioners.

Rise in healthcare expenditures stimulates the need for effective diagnostics for cancer and increase in prevalence of chronic ailments coupled with use of biomarkers for therapeutics is expected to bolster the market growth during the forecast period.

Product segmentation for personalized medicine (PM) market includes PM diagnostics, PM therapeutics, personalized nutrition & wellness and personalized medical care. Geographical segmentation for personalized medicine industry comprises North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa.

anjali varma
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