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Laryngectomy: Purpose, Procedure, and Recovery | Healing Touristry

Healing Touristry
Laryngectomy: Purpose, Procedure, and Recovery | Healing Touristry

Laryngectomy Surgery in India. Laryngectomy is the removal of the larynx and separation of the airway from the mouth, nose and esophagus. In a total laryngectomy, the entire larynx is removed (including the vocal folds, hyoid bone, epiglottis, thyroid and cricoid cartilage and a few tracheal cartilagerings). In a partial laryngectomy, only a portion of the larynx is removed. Following the procedure, the person breathes through an opening in the neck known as a stoma. This procedure is usually performed by ENT surgeon in cases of laryngeal cancer, and an individual's quality of life can be affected post-surgery.

Healing Touristry
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