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Ultra-Filtration Technique

Kelvin Water
Ultra-Filtration Technique

ULTRAFILTRATION (UF) is used for removal of suspended solids and virus. Ultra-Filtration uses membranes with pore size between 1-100 nm. Ultra-Filtration can be used for removal of macromolecules from water, to produce pure water. Ultra-filtration (UF) process is new and is preferred more than traditional water treatment methods. When treating water with suspended solids, Ultra-Filtration is often integrated into the process, utilizing primary and some secondary treatments as pre-treatment stages. Ultrafiltration (UF) is a pressure-driven purification process in which water pass through a membrane while, colloids and macromolecules are rejected. Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants are very helpful in today’s world.

ULTRA-FILTRATION (UF) PLANTS are made up of with this fine technique known as Ultra-Filtration. UF Plants are used by Industries, Hotels, Restaurants and Factories. Hotels and restaurants are using it as Ultrafiltration plants provide water which they can use in drinking as well. Many research works been going on these Ultra-filtration (UF) projects for making them more beneficial and for faster results. In simple, Ultra-Filtration Plants are outstanding for wastewater treatment.

Kelvin Water
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