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HBSE Board 10th Result 2019 | Haryana Board 10th Result 2019

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HBSE Board 10th Result 2019 | Haryana Board 10th Result 2019

Hello students, as you are waiting for the result these days. It is very important for students to have good academic scores. Your waiting will end soon. The HBSE Board 10th result 2019 will be declared on the 3rd week of May 2019 through online. Generally, the result for 10 board examination is announced in the middle of May, as the result of 2018 was declared on 21st May last year. The Haryana board of school education was organized in 1969. The headquarter was in Chandigarh, later it was shifted to Haryana in 1981. Now, the Headquarter is situated in Bhiwani. The Haryana Board of Secondary Education which also known as (HBSE). The Haryana board is the main factor for the board examinations which takes all decisions related to board examination. This organization has the right to take a decision about the whole procedure of board examinations. Usually, results are shown on the internet. Approximately more than 3 lakhs students appeared for class 10th board exams last year from the Haryana Board of secondary education. According to sources, 51.15% students have passed the class 10th board exams last year. The girls outshined the boys by obtaining 55.34% result while 47.61% boys got successful. It means the number of qualified girls was more than the number of qualified boys. The girls really did very well last year. It is clear that the last year also girls left the boys behind.

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