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how to make paper butterfly -2020

diy-hack and-everything
how to make paper butterfly -2020

It's really easy to learn how to make a paper butterfly, and once you've made one, you can't stop.

This project is fun for both children and children and the heart because it is quick and easy. It's perfect for spring or anytime you just want to do something simple and pretty. following channel has the video: Diy hacks and everything

They are the most beautiful spring decoration and look great on a spring bulletin board (you can have each student create their own butterfly).

You can do this with or without our printable template (which you can enter at the end of this tutorial), and the end result will always be nice.
You can make the butterflies from paper in one color or use two different colors to make them even more interesting.
And you're done with your DIY paper butterfly's wings, so it's time to turn to the body. You can either cut a small piece of wire and wrap it around and tie it in the middle.

After tying the knots, leave enough thread to make the antennas. Cut off the excess wire.

Alternatively, you can use pipe cleaners to make the body and antennas.


diy-hack and-everything
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