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Need Loan for CA?

Daisy Irani
Need Loan for CA?

Loan for CA is the financial aid provided by the banks and the NBFCs to the chartered accountants at less interest rate and minimal documentation requirements. It is a professional loan designed to quench the financial needs of chartered accountants. You can get a professional loan online by filling in the form online and getting soft approval for the loan. 

Chartered accountant loan is available for both practicing CA and Salaried CAs. The interest rate for a CA loan starts from 11% P.A. Chartered accountants can also get the Overdraft facility at different rates of interest. This article especially focuses on the Loan for CA, it will brief you about the eligibility criteria, and documents required for the CA Loan. Further, it will tell you about the interest rates for CA Loan and how you can apply for professional loans for Chartered Accountants. 

Professional loan for chartered accountants

A professional loan for chartered accountants is a specialized financial product tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals in the chartered accountancy profession. These loans provide financial assistance to chartered accountants for various purposes, such as setting up their own practice, expanding their existing firm, purchasing equipment, or meeting working capital requirements. 

Lenders often offer attractive interest rates and flexible repayment terms, recognizing the stable income and credibility of chartered accountants. The loan application process is streamlined, taking into account the CA's professional qualifications and income stability. With the support of professional loans, chartered accountants can effectively manage their financial endeavors and propel their careers forward.

Eligibility Criteria for Loan for CA 

The eligibility criteria for a loan tailored for Chartered Accountants typically include specific requirements to ensure the financial stability and credibility of the applicant. 

Generally, to be eligible, the CA should possess a valid Chartered Accountant certification from a recognized institution and hold a substantial track record of consistent income. 

Lenders often consider the applicant's age, professional experience, and credit history as key factors. The CA's ability to repay the loan, usually demonstrated through income documents and bank statements, is a crucial determinant. Additionally, the purpose of the loan, whether it's for professional expansion, equipment purchase, or any other legitimate need, also influences eligibility. 

Documents required for CA Loan 

The documentation required for a chartered accountant loans typically includes:

1. Identity Proof: A valid government-issued ID, such as a passport, Aadhar card, or driver's license.


2. Address Proof: Documents like utility bills, rental agreements, or voter ID that verify the CA's current residential address.


3. Professional Qualification Proof: Copies of the Chartered Accountant certification and membership with a recognized professional body.


4. Income Proof: Recent income tax returns (ITR) for the last few years, along with salary slips or profit and loss statements for self-employed CAs.


5. Bank Statements: Typically for the last 6 to 12 months, providing insight into the CA's financial transactions and stability.


6. Business Proof: If the CA owns a practice or a firm, documents like the firm's registration, partnership deeds, or business licenses.


7. Loan Purpose and Estimates: A clear explanation of the intended use of the loan amount, accompanied by estimates if it's for purchasing equipment, expanding a practice, or any other purpose.


8. Credit Score Report: A recent credit report detailing the CA's credit history and score, which influences loan approval and terms.

9. Collateral Documents: If the loan is secured, documentation related to the collateral being offered, such as property deeds or asset ownership certificates.

10. KYC Documents: Know Your Customer documents, including PAN card and photographs.

Interest Rate for Loan for Chartered Accountants 

The interest rate for loans designed specifically for Chartered Accountants can vary based on factors such as the loan amount, tenure, the lending institution's policies, and prevailing market conditions. Generally, due to the stable income and professional credibility of Chartered Accountants, they may be eligible for competitive interest rates that are often lower than standard rates for other borrowers.

These preferential rates acknowledge the financial stability and repayment capability associated with the CA profession. However, it's important for CAs to research and compare offers from different lenders to find the most favorable interest rate and loan terms that align with their financial goals and needs.

Banks/NBFCs Rate of Interest 

Bajaj Finserv 10.50% - 17% P.A

HDFC Bank 12.50% - 15.65%

Axis Bank 12%-24% P.A

IDFC Bank 12% R.O.I

How to apply for Loan for CA? 

Chartered Accountant Loan from My Mudra can be applied by following the steps mentioned below. 

  • Apply for CA Loan online by clicking on the link and filling in the required details.
  • Our agent shall call you and give you a brief about the process of a CA Loan.
  • Complete the documentation online and track the status of your loan application through the My Mudra portal.
  • Get quick approval and disbursement of your CA Loan


Professional Loan for CA is a financial product that is offered by the banks and the NBFCs to practicing and salaried CAs. The interest rate for the loan for CAs starts from 11% and it can go up to 30% based on the eligibility criteria of the person. Get the documents ready and apply for the loan for CA today. Make loans a planned decision with My Mudra and bring prosperity in your life. 

Daisy Irani
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