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Why Your Surgical Unit Must Avail A Quality Patient Engagement Software Solutions?

Why Your Surgical Unit Must Avail A Quality Patient Engagement Software Solutions?

It is not enough for surgeons, doctors and nurses to reach out and provide health related information to each and every patient. If patients are unresponsive and not contributing to the management of their health, those patients are known to be uninvolved. It has been unequivocally proven over the years that greater patient involvement in healthcare has contributed to better patient health outcomes. That is even more important when it involves plastic surgical patients where the patients always want to be involved in their healthcare decision-making process, are eager to know about the possible outcome and their active participation in their care ensures that they experience better surgical outcomes. Modern day, technologically advanced patient engagement software is proven to improve patient-physician communication, make patients happy and satisfied, improve patient outcomes and improve the quality of treatment. It also makes the patient loyal to the healthcare institution in the future.


Patient involvement allows the doctors and surgeons of a plastic/cosmetic surgery practice to build trust and stronger relationships, ultimately improving health outcomes. In medical parlance, patients who are involved in their health care decision-making process and those involved in their care as decision makers tend to be healthier and experience better outcomes in their overall health care. In that context, it should also be noted that if the clinicians do not educate, encourage healthy habits, and encourage patient involvement, patients won’t be involved in their care. So, besides the software solution. With the integration of advanced technology into modern healthcare, patient engagement software solutions have proven to be a highly credible solution designed to communicate with patients, provide educational resources, and manage the patient-caregiver relationship. The solution has been proven to effectively engage a maximum number of patients in their care, leading to improved health outcomes, greater satisfaction with the care experience and lower costs.



The steps through which you can provide the best form of patient care with the help of patient engagement software?

a)   First identify the patients who are willing to get involved: - The first step of patient engagement should be segmentation of patients into different groups depending on their disease, diagnosis and their different care needs. Segmentation also helps the clinician and internal care team better understand the patients they are helping and decide on the best care coordination to meet their needs. Patients with high health literacy have been proven to have the confidence to manage their own care. They are ready to take an active role in their decision-making process. The surgery department may need to spend a little more time to engage those segmented into the disinterested or less interested category.


b)  Education of the patients: - In low-income communities, low literacy can be a huge barrier to patient engagement. Without the ability to read or understand medical terms, many healthcare IT tools can become ineffective for patients and ultimately their caregivers. Several studies over the years have clearly shown that approximately 50% of patients with chronic disability have no clinical benefit from treatment due to poor adherence or lack of knowledge. This effectively results in poor surgical outcomes and increased hospitalizations. On the contrary, the patient who has a full understanding of health conditions, treatments and required lifestyle is sure to respond positively to his healing process or the general surgical care process. The best plastic surgery patient engagement software provides in-depth patient education that has been shown to significantly improve adherence, even among those who previously suffered because of their low literacy. The informed patients appear to be more satisfied with their surgical treatment, communicate more often with their surgeons and physicians, and experience improved health behaviors and outcomes.


c)   Patient portal helps in clear communication and care: - Handling patients should be a continuous affair and should not be limited to periodic interaction. The modern, technologically advanced patient care portal offers just that. The portal ensures that the healthcare institution is committed to reaching patients to provide care, encouraging them in their health journey, and being accountable for their health goals when necessary. The platform ensures continuous communication and access to their latest health updates for the patients. The portal enables patients to connect with their surgeons and other healthcare providers on strategic points of care leading to avoidable post-operative pain and potential readmission. Individuals can take charge of their own recovery journey and gain a sense of accomplishment and confidence that they are in the right hands for a positive surgical recovery.



The topics we discussed today point to the fact that when a well-designed patient engagement software meets proactive and knowledgeable patients and supportive, open-minded surgeons and clinicians, the outcome can only be positive, both for the patients and for the surgical care practice. Patient-centered care will result in healthier patients, and healthier patients will help reduce costs for surgical care organizations.



For more information, contact CosmetiSuite today!


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