In a global environment where competitors can arise from within the local region or exist on the other side of the world, the need to develop concrete business strategies that increase revenue and gain a greater portion of contract bid awards is becoming crucial.
The evolution of mega-developers has eradicated the practice of winning projects by ‘presenting the best conceptual design that transfers requirements into solutions’.
The modern architectural firm is embroiled in a highly competitive environment based on aggressive marketing infrastructures, laser-focused building type specializations, and a redirection of the urban construction landscape where the role of technology is exhausted to create sustainable communities and energy-efficient built environments.
Developing a new business model base to compete with larger firms will require automating many workflows using 3D model-centric designs, instigating a highly efficient time-management system, and a proactive approach to attracting and influencing new clients.
Decrease expenses and overhead costs – When setting fees for architectural services, indirect expenses that are not chargeable to a specific project are included in the fee formula.
These expenses range from costly software upgrades, purchasing new IT hardware and its maintenance, general administrative staff and expenses, and travel related expenses to promote relationships with existing and prospective clients.