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Incredimail data Recovery software

Roger Anderson
Incredimail data Recovery software

 IncrediMail is an email program that allows the users to handle their different email accounts. It comes with options that allow the users to efficiently manage their contacts and the same contact list can be used with their different email accounts. IncrediMail has tools for enhancing users’ creativity. It includes options for adding animations, backgrounds, 3D effects, etc., while composing emails. IncrediMail Recovery is a tool that helps the users to recover the lost data from IncrediMail. Data may be lost from IncrediMail due to several reasons like deletion by antivirus programs, accidental deletion by the users, etc.IncrediMail recovery
software recovers emails that got deleted accidentally, virus-attacked, damaged due to header corruption of .IMM, .IMH and .IMB files, media corruption, unexpected system shutdown, improper handling of IncrediMail email client, or even emptied from the 'Deleted Items' folder.
Key Features:
1) Accurately recovers emails from IncrediMail .IMM, .IMH files and addresses from .IMB files.
2) Recovers all mailbox data items including emails, email properties (like To, From, Subject, CC, BCC, Date, Time), attachments, images, etc.
3) Recovers accidentally deleted emails alongwith complete attachments and the data items that have been emptied from 'Deleted Items' folder.
4) Allows opening recovered email messages directly in IncrediMail or can be exported and later-on imported to any other computer system where IncrediMail is installed.
5) Offers user-friendly interface making email recovery process a much easier task.
6) Supports IncrediMail Xe and IncrediMail Premium versions.
7) Works well on Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8 operating system platforms.
Download link: http://www.emailsoftwares.com/incredimail-recovery.html

Roger Anderson
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