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Alcohol Breathalyzer and Drug Testing Equipment Market: Global Industry Analysis, size, sales and Forecast by 2026

Hemant kumar
Alcohol Breathalyzer and Drug Testing Equipment Market: Global Industry Analysis, size, sales and Forecast by 2026

Alcohol and drug testing equipment are utilized to test inebriation levels stimulated by drug and alcohol consumption. Chromatography instruments, immunoassay analyzers, hair testing devices and oral testing devices, urine testing devices, and breathalyzers are extensively utilized for testing drug and alcohol content in individuals. The worldwide market for alcohol breathalyzer and drug testing equipment is anticipated to increase at a 6.9% CAGR in value terms all through the calculated period 2018-2026. The worldwide market estimated at around US$ 7,300 Million during 2017 that is likely to grow approximately US$ 13,393.3 Million towards the end of 2026.

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Market Segmentation

In terms of the equipment, the global market includes infrared (IR) based breathalyzer, semiconductor based breathalyzer, immunoassay analyzers, fuel cell based breathalyzer, oral fluid testing devices, chromatography instruments, hair testing devices and urine testing devices.  The IR based breathalyzer is employed widely, owing to its high level of precision. This category is therefore likely to foresee robust growth over the assessment period. The fuel cell based breathalyzer is likely to continue as the biggest category over the calculated period, reflecting the maximum 7.3% CAGR.

In terms of the application, the global market includes alcohol detection and drugs detection. The alcohol detection is estimated to record the maximum 6.5% CAGR over the projected period, accounting for a market valuation of close to US$ 10 Billion towards the end of 2026. While rising number of drunk driving instances are likely to fuel the requirement for alcohol detection equipment, it is anticipated that drugs detection category will be highly lucrative in the said period.

In terms of the end-user, the global market includes hospitals, federal departments, private sectors and rehabilitation centres. The federal departments end-user category will be witnessing higher demand, trailed by private sectors. Although revenue generation from the earlier category is estimated to account for in excess of US$ 6 Billion, that from the second will probably succeed US$ 4 Billion towards 2026 end. Although, private sectors category is likely to increase at a faster 7.5% CAGR in the coming years.

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In terms of the region, the global market includes Europe, North America, Middle East & Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America. North America is estimated to lead with 52.3% of the overall market share in value terms, by 2018. APAC regional market is anticipated to remain the highest growing market, reflecting a 7.9% CAGR in value terms over the projected period.

Key Market Players

The major companies functional in the global market are

  • Lifeloc Technologies Inc.
  • Lion Laboratories Limited
  • Andatech Pty. Ltd.
  • Intoximeters
  • Quest Products, Inc.
  • BACtrack
  • C4 Development Ltd (Alcovisor)
  • Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
  • Alere (Abbott.)
  • Others

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Report Analysis: https://www.researchsolutioninsights.com/report/analysis/230251-Alcohol-Breathalyzer-and-Drug-Testing-Equipment-Market

Hemant kumar
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