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Flutter - A Great Choice for Mobile App Startups

App Development Agency
Flutter - A Great Choice for Mobile App Startups

In the current market scenario, mobile apps offer superior customization and operational efficiency along with the ease of use, offering a higher value to contemporary businesses.

With an increasing number of businesses planning to go this route, Flutter app development can prove to be a blessing.

Flutter is an open source mobile app SDK, based on Google programming language ‘Dart’, that allows developers to build beautiful native apps both on iOS and Android using a single codebase.

Developed by Google, Flutter was launched in 2017 and is since witnessing a rising growth rate.

It has already been adopted by many startups and established players like Alibaba, Hamilton Musical, Tencent and more.

Flutter combines the best of the Google ideas and technologies and is becoming a popular choice of the top app development firms.

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