How to stop loving someone who doesn’t love you anymore.
Like, if my colleague does hurt me, then I would take few steps to rectify the things and move on with it.
When we get hurt from the person whom we love, the walls crumble, confidence weakens, trust broken and all we are left with the questions which are unanswerable.
Avoid making the decisions in a second.
Don’t forget yourself, because you deserve to be loved.
They might be similar to the ones which you follow.

When patients leave the hospital and return home with home nursing care, they go from highly supportive medical environments with potentially many physicians, nurses, aides, and other professionals, to non-medical environments with formal and informal caregiver support frequently supplemented by visits from home care nurses.tender loving care home carePatients and caregivers must struggle to absorb confusing and potentially contradictory information imparted both by multiple clinicians prior to discharge from the hospital and by home care nurses.
Providers, for their part, often have incomplete understandings of home environments and patient and caregiver capabilities.Despite these difficulties, patients are largely left to themselves, expected to be engaged in their care sufficiently to own and manage their medical conditions.
It is a daunting task.Patient safety at home is as important as patient safety in hospitals.
Unsafe conditions in the home can lead to unnecessary or avoidable hospitalizations1.Home care decreases costs, improves health outcomes, and reduces hospital stays2–8.
Around 13% of patients enrolled in home care experience an adverse event9,10 The largest proportion of adverse events that occur among home care patients are related to medications, with 20%–33% experiencing a medication problem or adverse drug event11,12.
Research has found that home care personnel and informal caregivers may play a role in a substantial subset of adverse events that result in hospitalization13, although further investigation is needed to understand the nature of the interaction.Insufficient attention to effective communication during transitional care from hospital to home may be one of the factors contributing to these patterns1,14.Relatively little attention has been paid to the underlying causes of these adverse events and how they might be prevented.

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Animal love can make your days better & brighter. Nothing seems more fun than playing with those cute little creatures who want to see you cheerful. We have collected 12 best pictures that will make you love animals even more.