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Java to Kotlin Migration: Top 10 Apps That Trusted Kotlin

Way2Smile Solutions Pvt Ltd
Java to Kotlin Migration: Top 10 Apps That Trusted Kotlin

It is the social media platform where content aggregation occurs through personally maintained boards.

Evernote is a popular note-taking, and task management platform competing under the likes of Google keep, Bear and few more.

The technology analyst at Evernote would not have recently migrated from Java to Kotlin for their Android mobile app.

However, Android is generally seen to be comparatively less stable than iOS, but the migration initiative has helped enhance the performance and stability of the Android app manifolds.

The world’s largest short commute taxi service, Uber has also used Kotlin for its internal tool processing and model management.

The highly dynamic and location service-centric mobile app is proving to be highly resilient and error-free for all users across the globe.

Way2Smile Solutions Pvt Ltd
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