AI Products 

Chris Paul Wristbands

Awesomewristbands GSJJ
Chris Paul Wristbands

The subject of these custom made wristbands is a famous figure in basketball field—Chris Paul, who was born in Winston-Salem,North Carolina in 1985. Now, he is a professional basketball player who played for the NBA's Houston rockets. Thus, we name these simply wristbands after his name, called Chris Paul Wristbands.

These Chris Paul Wristbands are red with debossed fonts that all related to the main role—Chris Paul, involving his name and his suit number “3”. All the fonts are filled with white, which makes them stand out on these Chris Paul Wristbands.

Cheap custom wristbands are so often designed with figure name, country, foundation and some certain events. No matter for what, they are offered with economic price and guaranteed quality.


Custom wristbands Size: 8"*”1/2"


Thickness: 1.5mm


Style: Debossed with one color filled wristbands

Awesomewristbands GSJJ
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