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How Body Pain Is Relieved Via Yoga?

Himalayan Yoga Ashram
How Body Pain Is Relieved Via Yoga?

Yoga is the most effective methods for a healthy life, it also tone the whole body and makes it more flexible by improving posture. It is the natural way to treat aches and pains. You can register yourself with Himalayan Yog Sansthan in order to learn, practise and teach yoga.

Yoga help people who are suffering from chronic pain such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, low back pain, and migraine, etc. It is an effective exercise regimen that functions on body and mind, control breath, chakra stimulation, and glandular regulation.

Yoga is becoming popular and yoga classes are held at studios, gyms, schools, community centres, hospitals, and even at home. All the yoga centres are registered with Himalayan Yoga Association.

Yoga and Pain Relief

Yoga takes care of the underlying cause of pain. The yoga increase strength, coordination, flexibility and breathing. The meditation practices help to develop awareness of body and self, thus reducing anxiety. Yoga helps to treat physical aspects contributing to pain such as tight muscles, strained ligaments providing cure and relief. Although, incorrect yoga postures with lack proper supervision and also exacerbate pain.

Yoga invigorates body, helping counter depression and improving relaxation while managing stress and agitation. The yoga poses and breathing exercises work to disperse tension and start a relaxation response in the body. The regular practice and mindful meditation help to develop a reflex that brings relaxation.

Arthritis- People with arthritis with regular practice can reduce joint pain, improve joint flexibility and decrease stress and tension.

Lower Back Pain- Back pain is a result of injury, poor posture or sleeping position, and weight issues that resulting in misalignment of musculoskeletal in the back and continuous stress in one’s spine.  Yoga is a natural pain reliever that enhances core strength and stabilization. You can practise yoga by enrolling yourself in 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Himalayas.

Migraine- Many people suffer from chronic headaches and migraines. Yoga can deliver positive results by promoting relaxation

How to pursue Yoga Therapy

Anyone suffering from joint pain, headache, back pain or body pain of any other kind of pain can get benefit from yoga. It is very important to start slowly and practice on regular basis.

You can get the best advice on tailoring yoga to the pain condition by finding an experienced yoga therapist who has done a qualified yoga certification program


Himalayan Yoga Ashram
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