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Why learn English course?

Rahul Rana

Learning to speak in English is a great effort. It needs time, cash, vitality and commitment. Why should you spend time, money and energy to speak in English?

  • First of all, these are the good things that happen to you when you become a good communicator in English.
  • All good jobs need good English communication skills.Business is important for you to talk to customers in English.
  • What’s important is: a) speak good English to earn more respect, and, b) if you feel strongly about it, treat those with and without good English speaking skills with equal respect.
  • Judge people at their inner value, not on the language. But, unless everyone starts to do it, learn English so that you do not get it wrong.
  • People are not at their intrinsic value, language But, unless everyone starts to do it, learn English so that you do not get it wrong.
  • Knowledge or refuse to do so and strive to strengthen the wheel in their language.
  • You can either learn English speaking course in Chandigarh to share that knowledge or refuse to do so and try to reinforce the wheel in your language.
  • English is the most spoken language in the whole world. If you know that language then you have open windows in most countries of the world.
  • Yes. Not people in your state, people in your country, people in your continent.
  • There are such a significant number of wonderful people in the world.. Wouldn't it be cool on the if you can speak with them and see which ones can be great companions, which ones are fine as just associates and which ones you should run away from?
Rahul Rana
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