Below are some of the important tips that you can consider to nail this question.
This is the question that will show to the interviewer that you are prepared for this interview or not.
It is good to start by talking with lines such as
“There are some points in my resume that are highlighting some questions about those points that are making me qualified for this job position, as my whole career is about IT but…”
“As you can see in my resume, a career in [your field] has always been my goal”
These lines will surely help you to put up your story to meaningful words on your paper and for verbal communication as well.

How to Send a Job-Winning Interview Thank-You Note
Thank-you letters can make a lot of difference in deciding that you are getting the job or not.
All the hard work that you have done on your cv will finally be paid off when you receive an interview call and perhaps that is not the time to celebrate because of its just the start.
There are some more steps to go through before you your final finishing line.
To write the impressive interview notes you need to include certain points and confirmations.
The thank you note after the interview is an important move for you and it will show the hiring manager that is they’re invested their time on you and it was worth it or not.

Welcome back friends, Today On Just Web World we’re back with one new and interesting post on How To Write The Perfect Resume For Your First Job Interview.
How to Write a Resume for a Job Interview
To have an great resume to influence others and getting accepted in job interviews you can follow the tips written below.
Your resume plays a vital role while applying for a job so it demonstrate the following:
You’re a employee to a company
How did meet the requirements of the job