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Hire an App Developer for iOS

Aleksandra Bessalitskykh
Hire an App Developer for iOS

If you have decided to target the Apple mobile market, then you need to hire an app developer who specializes in iOS. An experienced iOS developer must have tech capabilities and perform tasks like:

  • olid knowledge of iOS programming languages (Swift, Objective-C)
  • Ability to develop an app for different devices: smartphones, tablets, etc.
  • Work with most frequently used APIs and open-source libraries
  • Knowledge of IDE, REST/JSON/XML standards; MVP, MVVM architecture patterns
  • Familiarity with iOS app publishing to Apple Store
  • Good testing and debugging skills
  • Application of KISS and SOLID principles in software engineering
  • Business and user experience knowledge is a plus

Follow this article to find out more about how to hire an app developer you will enjoy working with.

Aleksandra Bessalitskykh
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