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How to update the Alexa App

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How to update the Alexa App

Usually, the Alexa App devices get updated automatically. However, in some conditions, your device may not update. In that scenario, you need to force an update to your Alexa app. Following are the steps to you can follow to update Alexa App. If you still have a problem, you can contact the technicians anytime for help.

Make sure that your Echo device is connected to the WIFI
If your connection is not properly established then you need to establish it again through Alexa setup. If your Echo device is placed far from the router or blocked due to objects and furniture, then you need to move your device closer to the router for the strong WIFI signals.

Press the ‘Mute’ button present on the top of the device
You need to press the Mute button, this button will cause a red ring to light up.

Wait for 30 minutes
Device muting will stop your device from getting interrupted due to voice commands. Your Alexa App will go to update mode within the 30 minutes to install the latest version.

If you any query related to the update process, you can contact the experts anytime for the technical support.

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