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Liverpool and Tottenham had to Exchange Changing rooms for the Champions League final

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Liverpool and Tottenham had to Exchange Changing rooms for the Champions League final

It seemed unlikely, but it was still possible for both sides to meet since the draw for the quarter-finals on March 15th.

It was decided that the winners of the semifinal, which was finally contested by Ajax and the Spurs, would be named as a “local” team in the final.

Of course, neither team will actually be home, as the centrepiece will be presented at Wanda Metropolitano of Atletico Madrid.

It is important to decide who the “local” team is, as this determines details such as the cloakroom that will be given to them and the kit they can wear in case of conflict.

In theory, Tottenham is the home team, but the stadium manager, Fernado Fariza, told Sky Sports News that they had to exchange locker rooms.

Indeed, the 16,613 spectators of Spurs will be in the northern part of the stadium, where is the cloakroom outside.

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