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Kotlin vs. Java: Choose the Best Language for Your Android App Development

Brian Paul

Object-oriented, class-based and runtime environment makes java developers enable to run their program anywhere, any Java compatible environment.

It means Android app developers need to write less in Kotlin, it also means minimizing the occurrence of bugs as less the code less the chances of making an error.

With countless libraries, mature APIs, and the support, the object-oriented, class-based programming language very similar to C++, now controlled by Oracle offers the opportunity to develop Android Applications that are incredible in terms of speed and performance.

Considering the Android Studio itself is developed on Java it is easier to write code for Android applications in Java rather other Android application development languages.

Verbosity is one of the deterrents that make many dedicated android app developers dislike Java and also makes it more susceptible to mistakes or bugs prone.

Also, the inherent limitation in Java leads to problems in Android API design in Java.

Brian Paul
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