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How do I update my Epson printer driver?

Brad Hart
How do I update my Epson printer driver?
  1. Do one of the following to open Epson Software Updater:

    Windows 10:Click the Start icon and select Epson Software > Epson Software Updater.
    Windows 8.x: Navigate to the Apps screen and select Epson Software > Epson Software Updater.
    Windows (other versions): Click the Start icon and select All Programs or Programs > Epson Software > Epson Software Updater. 

    If you do not have the Epson Software Updater utility, you can download it here.
  2. Select your model from the list, if necessary.
  3. Select Firmware Updaterby checking the box next to it. (Epson recommends installing all Essential Product Updates.)
  4. Click the Install item(s)
  5. Or Dial Epson Printer Support Phone Number | Epson Printer Customer Service Number
Brad Hart
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