With so many vendors, features, and systems to choose from, finding the best e signature maker in the market can be overwhelming.
Thankfully, we have identified 7 common mistakes which organizations make, when shopping for e signature program – so you will know how to avoid them.
E Signature maker that isn’t user-friendly
Never confuse simple with under-powered—yes, electronic signature software should be easy to use.
Choosing e signature maker that does not integrate with the existing applications
When you buy an e-sign solution that doesn’t integrate well your existing applications, you are unlikely to enjoy the full benefits of automation.
The 2001 E-Sign Act was intended to ease and encourage the use of esign technology; however, years later, there is still a lot of mistrust of electronic signatures, even though they are evidently more secure and efficient than their handwritten counterparts.
It’s common for people to sometime question about a contract’s originality and validity.
Actually, the cause of many potential legal issues with contracts signed electronically relates to enforceability.
For instance, remember the many checkboxes you click when purchasing goods online?
How are you sure it’s the intended signer who truly executed the signature?
For such situations, you trust that what you get is real.