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The biggest influences for gold currently are the US china trade war

divyam joshi
The biggest influences for gold currently are the US china trade war

Be it bill gates or a common man, no one likes to loose money.

And to leverage such opportunities, a smart investor uses a variety of strategies and tactics to protect their wealth, including setting up their portfolios with specific asset allocations that can help soften any blow caused by an extended market downturn.

While options like real estate, commodities, and cash can contribute to a more diversified portfolio beyond traditional stocks and bonds, many experts say that gold is the undisputed king of uncorrelated assets.

The price of gold doesn’t usually move with the wider stock market – and often, because of its history, the yellow metal can even increase in price during the course of a bear market.

The main reason why world over gold is the most preferred safe haven asset-

Gold has acted as a store of value for thousands of years

divyam joshi
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