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9. How do I connect my Dell laptop to my wireless printer?

printer support
9.	How do I connect my Dell laptop to my wireless printer?

Don't you simply hate those times when you have to print something yet your printer is placed somewhere far, or you have to keep connecting a pesky USB cable? Getting a wireless printer can be quite convenient as it gives remote access, enabling you to print, scan and fax without being physically attached to the unit. Follow these steps to connect your Dell PC to your wireless printer.

  • On your Dell computer, go to Settings and then head to Printers and Scanners.
  • Select the Add a Printer Also, choose the option for adding a network or wireless printer.
  • Windows will now search for any printers connected on your network,
  • After the search is complete, click on your printer from the results.
  • Click on Add device.

That’s it! Now your Dell laptop has successfully connected to your wireless printer. If you face any issues in the connection, kindly refer to the customer support at Dell Printer Customer Support Number for your particular printer.

printer support
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