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How to Fix Error ‘Automation Server Can’t Create Object’ on Windows

ava williams
How to Fix Error ‘Automation Server Can’t Create Object’ on Windows

This error often displays on the Internet Explorer browser when the users open different scripts on sites or access the ActiveX commands. Most of the users have complained regarding this error once they installed different extensions and add-ons in the Internet Explorer browser. The users can solve this issue manually, and here are some of the methods given below to fix error ‘automation server can’t create object’ on Windows.

Here’ how to Fix Error ‘Automation Server Can’t Create Object’ on Windows

1.    Check Security Settings and Delete Your Browsing History

•    Go to Internet Explorer.

•    You will get the Internet Explorer browser in the Start menu.

•    Otherwise, search for it on the computer.

•    Press on the cog symbol provided in the upper right-hand side so that the pull-down menu gets open on the screen.

•    Tap on the Internet Options button by going to the menu list.

•    Let the Internet Options window gets open on the screen.

•    Go to the Security option.

•    Press on the Trusted sites.

•    Press on the Custom Level option located in the zone column.

•    Ensure that the box given near the Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting option should be turned on.

•    Press on the OK option located at the end of the windows.

•    Go to the Internet Options window, but you have to open the General option.

•    Press on the Delete option given below the Browsing history column.

•    Ensure that you have gone through the checkbox given near the ActiveX Filtering and Do Not Track, Cookies and website data, Tracking Protection and Temporary Internet files and websites files.

•    Press on the Delete option.

•    Start the system to check whether the automation server can’t create object arrow is fixed.

2.    Change Internet Explorer Settings

•    Launch the Internet Explorer web browser.

•    You will find this by clicking twice on its shortcut located on the desktop.

•    Choose the Tools option provided at the upper right-hand side of the webpage.

•    After that, click on the Internet Options button.

•    Launch the Control Panel.

•    You need to start changing the View by to the Category option.

•    Press on the Network and Internet option.

•    Press on Internet Options which you will find in the second column in the new menu to fix error ‘automation server can’t create object’ on Windows.

•    Go to the Advanced option.

•    Press on the Reset button.

•    Choose the Delete personal settings section in case you wish to delete your browsing history, etc.

•    Press on the Reset button located in the Reset Internet Explorer Settings prompt box.

•    Let the Internet Explorer browser to complete the changing process of the settings.

•    Press on the Close option.

•    Click on the OK button.

•    After the Internet Explorer browser completed the changing process of the default settings.

•    Press on the Close button.

•    Click on the OK option.

Source url:- http://go-office-2019.com/blog/how-to-fix-error-automation-server-cant-create-object-on-windows/

Ava Williams is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Ava Williams has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as office.com/setup.

ava williams
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