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There are many questions in parents regarding when, where, for how long and for what reasons we have to visit the dentist for their child first oral scanning.thay have an anxiety-like what dentist do on my 1-year-old child? what at age 1? My baby just having his/her teeth recently.


The American Academy of paediatrics, American Academy of pediatric dentistry(AAPD) and the American dental association recommend a child’s first visit takes place at the eruption of the first tooth or by the child’s first behaviour.


Fist dental visit of a child is usually very short with minimal or no treatment. The purpose of the visit to build up comfort, trust and confidence level in visiting the dentist. Some dentist may ask the parents to set on the dental chair and hold their child during an oral examination to make the environment non-threatening and friendly. Some dentist may ask the parents to wait in the reception to make a relationship between your child and your dentist.


A child first includes an oral examination of existing teeth, gums, jaws, oral tissues and bite examination. The first visit is always informative to the parents regarding the maintenance of oral hygiene in a child. It includes good oral hygiene practices for your child’s teeth, gums, cavity prevention, oral habits like thumb sucking/lip sucking, fluoride needs, teething, proper nutrition, developmental disturbance of teeth or tongue and follow-ups. Many dentists recommend every 6 months checkup to build a repo and to monitor the development of the teeth and treat any developing problems before it gets progressed.


There is a specialised branch in dentistry for children i.e pediatric dentist. They have all the training on management and treatment of a child developing teeth, child behaviour,physical growth, development and special care needs. All pediatric dentists and many general practitioners also maintenance and décor which are children friendly and pleasing to them. They have a specialdental chair, child instruments, types of equipment and toys which are specially designed for children.


Reference is taken from WebMD and Colgate article on a child’s first visit to the dentist.


Dentalaaka.com is an online dental store with a huge variety of dental products, materials, instruments and equipment. Not only this it also has separate sections for dental education related products and a whole new dental decor segment which will give an insight to more cheerful interior accessories for the dentists.


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