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How to convert 2D CAD drawings into a 3D BIM model?

futuregen technologies
How to convert 2D CAD drawings into a 3D BIM model?

A 3D BIM model has sufficient information that helps to share data as well as construction information easily and efficiently. But the process of converting a 2D drawing into a 3D model is tough and require a well professional team to handle it. that’s why Future Gen Technology, a worldwide Revit training institute in Hyderabad provides BIM course training and make an expert professional in BIM. Because of the effectiveness in providing training, the institute has now become the best BIM training institute in Ameerpet, Hyderabad.  

This conversion of 2D CAD drawings to 3D BIM model is a time-consuming process and it requires in-depth and comprehensive knowledge in the field of technical building standard and its composition. So, BIM course training is definitely needed. If you don’t have sufficient time to attend the classes, then you can take online BIM course training and you glad to know that because of its easy accessibility Future Gen Technologies is now becoming the leading online BIM training institute in Hyderabad.   

The process of 2D to 3D conversion takes a lot of tension of investing in software, update the version and expensive engineering labour. So, you should have strong knowledge about the process of conversion. By taking BIM course training, you can analyze the CAD drawings, get extensive knowledge in BIM of both theory and practice. Our expert makes you understand the building technical standards which have been integrated to implement various projects and this information will help you to convert the 2D drawing to 3D Revit model. 


The 2D design and construction drawing are provided by the clients, which has only building physical geometry. We utilize Revit to convert the 2D drawing into a 3D model. Based upon the requirement of the client, we detect the mistakes on the 2D drawing in the 3D modelling process and highlight the clashes for review at the time of 3D model conversion.  


After taking BIM course training in our BIM training institute in Hyderabad, you can convert your AutoCAD files or PDF/TIF files to BIM and generate its composition and its specification within a trade building model rapidly and accurately. You can also utilize the latest standards in 2D to 3D conversion to develop the CAD projects and plan a clear model that signifies all the required information.  


The BIM course training allows you to make changes and update the process throughout the lifecycle of a project

By taking the BIM course training and get the knowledge on how to convert the 2D drawing to 3D BIM model:

-you can reduce overhead cost

-also, extend the production team at any workload

- keep the quality of the model

- high accessibility, easy to understand


The BIM course training provides the knowledge of conversion of 2D drawing to 3D model and you can accelerate your collaborative decision-making capability.  Our Revit structure training institute in Hyderabad is a trustworthy and reliable training institute and our mission is to help you to generate confidence in yourself to compete and keep up with global construction trend. 

Future Gen Technologies:

         5th Floor, Greenhouse Building,

         Beside Aditya Trade Center, Myitrivanam,            

         Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500873

         URL : http://www.futuregentechnologies.com/

         CALL US :  +91 8328253848 


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