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How to Boost Internet speed and WiFi Streaming

Feena Lauren
How to Boost Internet speed and WiFi Streaming

So, your ISP has promised to give you fast internet speed. But do you get what has promised?

Can't download a video at the other corner of home. Online music plays with buffer or with lags.

Here you will get the best possible solution on how to boost internet speed and Wifi steaming.

Before going further, check is the issue is with ISP or not. 

Go for speed test. If it is slow then contact your Internet Service provider.

If not then it implies you need to tweak some changes on router or your WiFi range extender.

  1. Change the placement of the router: Better to place it at the centre of the location. Avoid heavy wall or reflecting gadgets or devices.

         Keep router away from any interfering electronicc devices, like cordless phone, microwave oven etc.

  1. Router settings need to be check
  • Regularly update router firmware from manufacture’s website. If don't how to update or facing trouble while updating router firmware then read this guide. 
    Netgear router firmware update failed

  • There should not be any orange or red light on the router. Solid green colour light implies network activity other shows technicla issues taht neeed to tb address first.
  • Reset router if required, it will actually fixes each and every issue concern with the performance of the router. Don't know how to reset router or foactiry reset not wroking then read the guide mentioned here:
    Netgear router factory reset not working
  1. Monitor how much data is utilized in your home. Or is any other unrecognised device gets attached to your channel.
  • Go to your router web portal to open setting, and access routerlogin.net login account with your correct ceredentials. 
  • Check and remove if any other device is attached.
  • Always keep your wifi secure with a strong password.
  1. If your router have power saving button then turn it off. It causes slow data delivery and least power saving.

    With these simple tips you will able to set router and boost your internet speed.
Feena Lauren
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