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Why is ORM important?

Priyanka Sakpal
Why is ORM important?

If the negative reviews for your business are on a third-party site, you can create content or implement SEO or respond to them. But if the reviews are on the platform or your profile that you can access, you can remove them. Constant content creation is a way of removing negative reviews. It can push the positive reviews and citation upward removing the negatives, gradually.
Importance of reviews in online research and digital marketing

In today’s digital world, people tend to search online for the product they are they are about to purchase. And before every purchase, they make intensive online research for the same. According to Fleishman- Hillard, 89% of the customer’s conduct intensive online research through various search engines before making a purchase and the large portion of this research consists of reading the reviews.

Priyanka Sakpal
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