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6 Fintech Software Types And Business Models

Andrew Smith
6 Fintech Software Types And Business Models

This newly-emerged industry is now at the cutting edge of technology with 2,196 deals forged worldwide and global investment in fintech companies hitting $111,8 billion in 2018.

What previously involved going to a brick-and-mortar institution, waiting in lines, engaging in lengthy conversations with personnel, and reading the fine print, can now be done in just a few mouse clicks.

Powered by NLP and big data algorithms, this type of fintech software captures and analyzes client-related data to provide financial companies with a clear assessment of clients’ creditworthiness and possible risks.

Such systems generate documents, assigns tasks, helps track progress, and build client relationships.

It also manages billing processes, claims management, and pretty much an entire insurance agency life cycle.

For example, BIMA, an insurance service, uses mobile health-monitoring solutions to offer microinsurance to its clients in developing economies.

Andrew Smith
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