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iOS 13 Beta 2 Brings New Hidden Features

Billy Mark
iOS 13 Beta 2 Brings New Hidden Features

The new gen iOS 13 is gearing up for release, and the betas have already started to roll out. Apple rolled out iOS 13 public beta 2 a few days ago, and Apple’s developer’s program members got early access to the iOS version in June this year. The final version is speculated to release in September. Those using beta 2 of iOS 13 have posted about the hidden features and functionalities on various social networks such as Twitter and Reddit. Here are some five surprising hidden features in iOS 13.

iOS 13 Beta 2 Brings New Hidden Features - Norton Setup
Source : http://au-norton.com/ios-13-beta-2-brings-new-hidden-features/

1. Improved Shortcuts app

The Shortcuts application was first seen in iOS 12. This app allows iOS device users to set customized commands for their iPhone or iPad either via verbal cues or by tapping a button. In iOS 13 cards, Nintendo Amiibos, and other devices that make use of Near Field Communication(NFC) can be utilized for activating shortcuts. Cards with NFC can be used for bringing up lock screen alerts, Mario Amiibo can be used for launching the Super Mario Run game, etc.

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2. Console Controllers

iOS 13 and iPadOS come with compatibility for controllers of Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles. Those who have used Beta of iOS 13 have utilized the brand-new function to transform their iOS devices into portable and compact gaming stations. However, one iOS developer named Tanner Stokes has used this feature in a creative manner. Even though iOS 13 and iPadOS are still being improved, support for console controller is a great development. This will make the iPad even more productive.

3. Message Search

Now, you will not have to waste time scrolling through your group chats and message threats to locate a particular text. iOS 13 has made the message search feature very simple. You can now just go to the search bar of iMessage, type the word or phrase you are looking for, and the list will show all the texts that contain the particular word or phrase. So now, you can easily look up and locate the date of your friend’s wedding in iMessage.

4. Location Tracking Notifications

At present, a number of iOS applications ask access to location data in order to turn on in-app features along with targeted ads. iOS users have to enable or disable the location data access manually. However, in iOS 13, users will be able to find out to which extent their location is getting tracked.

5. Battery Aging Notification

iOS 12 came with a new feature that allowed users to know if their battery age was having any effect on their device’s battery capacity. In iOS 13, Apple has made it possible for users to know how the OS is conserving their device’s battery capacity. Users will receive a notification titled Optimized Battery Charging Enabled. This will tell them the measures your iPhone software is taking to reduce battery aging.

Billy Mark is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at norton.com/setup.

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