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What does the future hold for mobile app development companies?

Neelima LS
What does the future hold for mobile app development companies?

As a mobile development app company, there is a need to be adaptable to technological changes in order to overcome the gargantuan competition. This avenue is known for its dynamic nature in terms of upgrades/updates and it is imperative to be aware of these as and when they are introduced. With time, we have seen a sea of change in how mobile devices are being used. Mobile apps are used for buying/selling, browsing, making payments, transferring money and reading, amongst others. This presents several opportunities for Android app development and iOS app development companies to offer the best user experience to their customers.


In an attempt to keep up with the futuristic requirements of customers, mobile app development companies are gearing up app sustainability techniques. In the following lines, let us take a look at what is in store in the coming days for such establishments:


  1. Machine Learning - iOS has already introduced ML into its devices. Face recognition and other innovative features which make Apple devices distinctive have become very popular amongst users. There is a lot that has been discovered about this technology since and with the latest update, iOS 13 (stipulated to be released in August 2019) just around the corner, we can expect novel features.

Like Apple, other app development companies need to delve into ML in order not to be left behind. Many of them have already understood such app trends and have created new ones to sustain the interest of their existing as well as new customers.


  1. Artificial Intelligence - Siri, Google Assistant, etc, are examples of AI put to better use. There are many apps that have been developed since for both iOS and Android. This keeps up the user-engagement which is a significant goal for all mobile app development companies.


  1. IOT - Everyone is aware of this new phenomenon, the Internet of Things. Inter-connection of multiple devices makes our lives easier and minimizes human dependency. With the help of the internet, these tools are able to get things done remotely. For example, turning on the air conditioner with your mobile phone before you reach your home is now just a click away. The concept of ‘Smart Homes’ is catching up with people from around the world.

There are many industries and entities that can benefit from IoT and app development is no different. Whilst creating them, developers need to ensure that they are compatible with IoT as a service.


  1. Rise of mobile purchases - As mentioned earlier, most of the mobile owners use their devices for any/every shopping need. From groceries to apparel and electronics, there is no dearth of choices in any genre. There are many apps that help us make payments within a matter of a few seconds. Mobile application service providers need to improve on the same. Creating secure and convenient gateways for the purpose is what they should be focusing on.


  1. Better user interface - For a single product/service, there are hundreds of thousands of websites that are available for the average user. They can choose to use any one of them based on their requirements. However, it all boils down to how well you are able to attract the target audience and convince them to use your services over others.

As an app developer, your aim should be to make sure that every visit turns into a sale. Instead of offering run-of-the-mill interfaces, it makes sense to create innovative platforms that offer novel content, designs and user experience.


  1. APM - Application Performance Management is yet another realm that focuses on improving the user-engagement. Effective quality assurance techniques and testing of tools/apps is essential to ensure their high performance. This can be done if they are monitored on a real-time basis. All of this is cumulatively referred to as APM. Whether it is the user’s inclination towards a particular app or their actions therein, app developers should consider APM tools for creating the ideal solutions.


It is a fact that there are a lot of changes being anticipated in mobile app development as a whole. Most of the companies involved in this area are spending humongous resources for R&D purposes so as to develop apps that are futuristic, unique and user-friendly. Since technology is advancing on a fast pace in the said domain, it is important that the players involved in app management are well-versed with all the latest and upcoming developments.

Neelima LS
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