Here is Top 5 programming languages based on
- How popular it is
- How easy to learn it
- What is it used for
No.5 C#
C# is Microsoft’s product for building application on the .net framework. It is a pretty powerful language that is used for different tasks, like designing Web Forums, developing Web Applications, Windows Applications, Console App.
C# is also used for developing games using the “Unity” game engine.
As a beginner C# is moderately easy to learn. 3-4 months for basics and around 2 years to become a fairly competent developer. But if you are already familiar with C++ and Java then learning C# will be like super easy for you.
No.4 Swift
Swift is the language used for developing apps for MacOs, iOS, WatchOS. The reason why Swift is No.4 is because it’s becoming one of the favourites of software developers.
It is easier to read, easier to maintain, it is faster, safer and requires less lines of code.
So if you are an Apple fan and want to code for the future then swift is for you. Swift was designed to reduce the gap between the human mind and computer operations. Which is why syntax wise, swift is pretty simple. Some say that you will just take around 3-4 months start building apps with Swift.
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