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How to View the IP Address of a Website in Smartphone and Computer

Wire IT Solutions
How to View the IP Address of a Website in Smartphone and Computer

Every website on the internet is assigned with a unique IP (Internet Protocol) address. Some websites have only one, where some use a pool of IP addresses. Sometimes knowing the IP address of a website can be beneficial for blocking sites on your home network, bypass site blocking programs, and much more. Finding a website’s IP address can be a complicated task, as browsers usually didn’t show them. However, you can see any website’s Internet Protocol address on your mobile as well as computer.

SOURCE: How to View the IP Address of a Website in Smartphone and Computer , Wire IT Solutions

Here is how to view the IP address of a website in mobiles and computers.

How to view a website’s IP address on Windows computer

You need to use Command Prompt to find a website’s IP address on your computer. Here is how.

1.    Search for ‘Command Prompt’ or ‘cmd’ with the Start menu. Press ‘Windows’ key on the keyboard or click the ‘Start’ icon to access the Start menu then type ‘command prompt’ to search for it.

2.    Click on ‘Command Prompt’ at the top in the Start menu. Doing so launches the Command Prompt.

3.    Now, you have to enter Traceroute command for the website you want to view the IP address. Follow this method to enter traceroute command, type “tracert WEBSITE’SADDRESS.com.”

•    Replace WEBSITE’S ADDRESS with the address of the website you want to view Internet Protocol address.

•    Find the correct and original address of the website.

•    Do not use ‘www’ in the command.

•    Make sure to enter a space after “tracert.”

4.    Then press ‘Enter’ key to run the command. Traceroute command will now run and display the IP address of the website you’ve entered.

5.    The numerical code in brackets next to the heading “Tracing route to WEBSITE’SADDRESS” is the website’s Internet Protocol address.

With these steps, you can view the IP address of any websites by entering its correct address.

How to find website’s IP address on Mac computer

By using the Network Utility tool in macOS, you can find the IP address of any websites you want. Here is how.

1.    Launch ‘Spotlight’ by clicking the magnifying glass icon located at the upper right corner on desktop.

2.    In the Spotlight Search field, type ‘network utility’ to search for it. The spotlight will search for the tool and display it in the result.

3.    Now, double-click on ‘Network Utility’ at the top in Spotlight menu. Doing so opens the Network Utility window on the screen.

4.    Open the ‘Traceroute’ tab from the top tabs menu. Here you’ll see a box to trace the internet route, enter the correct and original address of the website whose Internet protocol address you want to see.

5.    Active the box and enter the address of the website into it. Make sure to type the correct address and do not use ‘www’ or ‘https://.’ For example, google.com.

6.    Then click on the ‘Trace’ button at the right side of the screen.

7.    The numerical code in brackets next to the heading “Tracing route to WEBSITE’SADDRESS” is the website’s Internet Protocol address.

If the website is using multiple IP addresses, then you’ll see more than one numerical code. You can find the Internet protocol address of as many sites as you want by entering the right keyword into the traceroute box.

How to view a website’s IP address on iPhone

To see a website’s IP address on your iPhone, you need to install a third party app “iNetTools” from the App Store. It is free to download as well as free to use app. Search for ‘inettools’ into the search bar of App Store in your iPhone and tap the ‘GET’ button to download it. Once the app installs, use these steps.

1.    Launch the ‘iNetTools’ app.

2.    From the iNetTools menu, select ‘TraceRoute.’

3.    Tap the ‘Hostname or IP Address’ bar under Server heading.

4.    Enter the correct and original address (without ‘www’ or ‘https:// ‘https://’)of the website whose Internet protocol address you want to see.

5.    Hit ‘Start’ located at the upper right corner.

The IP address(es) of your website will appear on the screen.

If you want to view the IP address of a website in your Android mobile or tablet, download the ‘PingTools Network Utilities’ app from the PlayStore.

Harry Williams is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Wire IT Solutions on NortonWebrootMcAfeeMicrosoft Office and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience. To get in touch with the internet security service provider, just dial 8443130904.

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