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Athleisure Market Consumer Trend Analysis 2019: Sales Strategy, Industry Landscape, Global Significant Growth, Gross Margin, Comprehensive Research to 2023

Pradeep Zende
Athleisure Market Consumer Trend Analysis 2019: Sales Strategy, Industry Landscape, Global Significant Growth, Gross Margin, Comprehensive Research to 2023

May 23, 2019 (AB Digital via COMTEX) -- Market Insights:

Athleisure refers to a fashion trend designed for athletic activities and workouts but can also be worn in workplace and as an everyday wear.

Athleisure is a category of apparels designed to look athletic which may or may not have any technical function.

Many companies used high-end performance enhancing materials for their making while the many apparels are not defined in their athletic performance enhancing abilities.

Increasing popularity of yoga globally along with enhancement of fashion trends.

Increasing brand awareness mainly due to the celebrity brand endorsements of products and increasing population involvement into health and fitness related activities are some of the reasons for the market growth.

Pradeep Zende
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