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English exam How to read on?

venus pub2018
English exam How to read on?

literature, the first and most important lesson, book, public‌entrance exam is the test‌sharing ۱ To ۲۵ book, public‌include‌. because of the importance of this lesson is:

1. coefficient ۴ courses in public
2.The first lesson booklet is injected response, or failure to meet it in the spirit of the volunteer is effective.
3.The native language of ourselves, so with a bit of‌accuracy can rating complete this lesson, you would know.

 in the lesson of literature ۲۵ test that we have them at ۱۸ minutes, respond., so should the budget categories, headings‌This ۲۵ test to know up with a strategy to war they go.

 budgeting questions, the literature on entrance exam what is it?

topics literature entrance , and the number of test of each topic is as follows:

1.Spelling and vocabulary                 ۵ Test

2.History, literature,            ۳ Test

3. array Oadby                ۳ Test

4.Language English             ۵ Test

۵.Analysis of semantic          ۹ Test

budgeting, testing,‌, the literature in the exam year‌Sequential is almost the same shape has been, so have the literature to figure out topic or thematic study, will

section spelling and vocabulary in Literature How to read Time?


 this topic is descriptive and ۳ test in literature entrance include. the best source for the study of the word‌and the vocabulary of literature, your textbook is.

first.Words, and the words,‌, the end of the book, literature,

II.Words and phrases are numbered, each of the lessons. description

in the study of the vocabulary end of the book, must carefully:

1.All the meanings of a word read. just to know one of the meanings of words, not single meanings retain.

2.Words‌that description much have your time read carefully.

3.Words and phrases are numbered, each lesson, which means they are in the episode description come, be sure to study. to the special phrases, and verses نثرهای old

4.Box‌, and have brought that… make sure to read and to footer‌precision special note.

the best way to study the vocabulary and the meanings of literature entrance exam

for the mastery of the words and their meanings, reading and reviewing from the textbook.

venus pub2018
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