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Inkjet printer for paper bag

Inkjet printer for paper bag

press à jet d’ink industrial

press à industrial inkjet

SarmJET provides the best printer à jet d’ink professional and industrial industries l’impression de l’packaging, marking, and l’automation.

We distribute printers with the engine d’impression Gun and the last engine d’impression of Hewlet Packard, the HP Fixed Imager 1000.

Our systèmes d’impression numéric can print text and images in high qualité on many media such as bo&cool your cardboard, élabels, coaster, napkins, envelopes, paper bags.

It is éalso possible d’printing élabels on roll, t-shirts, matématerials épais, such as panels of wood, envelopes matelassées or bo&cool;tes pré montées.color (CMYK) with a high résolution à speed

The engine d’impression is con&case;u to &stop;tre utilisé with inks pigmentées à low cost and répart should attend à l’water and à l’abrasion, l’humidityé, UV rays and many chemicals.

Our printers are éalso available for rental.

Not téléphone. :- +33 (0) 634 18 67 44

Email :- info@sarmjet.fr

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