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How to Install Epson Printer on Your Chromebook

Devin smith
How to Install Epson Printer on Your Chromebook

Rather than saving the data in the Chromebook, you can save the data in the cloud. But it doesn’t mean that you cannot print that file or document. If you want to install Epson Printer on your Chromebook to print the selected item, then follow the instructions mentioned below.

Here’s How to Install Epson Printer on Your Chromebook

·  Connect the Printer

1.  Turn on the printer.

2.  Ensure that you have turned on the printer while changing it into the Control Panel.

3.  Go to the Control Panel menu.

4.  Click on the Setup option in case the printer model has this option.

5.  In case it does not, then click on the Home option.

6.  After that, choose the setup option.

7.  Then, click on the OK button.

8.  Start using the left-hand and right-hand side arrows.

9.  It will open the Network Settings menu.

10.Click on the OK button

11. It will choose the Network Settings option.

12. After going in the Network Settings option, start using the Up and Down arrows until the Wireless LAN Setup gets selected.

13. Click on the OK button.

14. Click on the Setup Wizard button.

15. Click on the OK button.

16. Choose the SSID option which you wish to pair to.

17. The SSID is considered as the network name.

18. In case the network is already protected, you need to type the password for security reasons.

19. In case it is not protected, choose the None option.

20. Click on the OK button.

·  Setting Up the Chromebook

1.  You need to turn on the Chromebook.

2.  Go through the network settings.

3.  The Chromebook should be paired to the Wifi network same as Epson printer.

4.  Go to the profile picture.

5.  Choose the Settings tab.

6.  Go through the settings tab till you get the Advanced option on the screen.

7.  Press on the Advanced option.

8.  Search for the Printing menu.

9.  Search for the Printers or Google Cloud Print option.

10.The option title depends on the Chromebook version.

11. Search and choose the Add Printers or Manage Cloud Devices option.

12. This option depends on the Chromebook version.

13.  Now, you will get the register option given near to the printer.

14.  Press on the printer option.

15.  Press on the Register option.

16.  Find the product LCD screen,

17.  It will show you the verification text.

18.  Click on the OK button.

19.  It will verify the connection of the Google Cloud Print.

20.  Now, you need to try to print a new page.

·  Add the Printer Manually

1.  Click on the Settings tab.

2.  Choose the Advanced option.

3.  Go to the Printing column.

4.  Choose the Printers option.

5.  Choose the Add Printer option.

6.  Choose the Add Manually option.

7.  Type the information, below the name, and you need to enter the manufacturer and model of the printer.

8.  In case you are not sure about the details you have provided, then go through the title given below the printer.

9.  In case you are facing issues while searching for the printer in the menu list, go through the “emulation” or “printer language” title.

10. Choose the same option.

Devin Smith is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. He writes about the latest updates regarding norton.com/setup and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.


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