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What is Static IP?

Lectures Club
What is Static IP?

Every device on the network needs an IP address. This IP address help you to identify your locaton in the network. A static or fixed IP address does'nt change even if you are offline. This is your permanent IP.

DHCP server of internet service provider (ISP) allotes IP addresses to the devices on the network. This can be dynamic or static IP.

How to get static IP Address?

You can contact your ISP to get a static IP.

Is static IP address free?

You have to pay extra money with your internet package to get a static IP. The reason is IPv4 pool has alreday been exhuasted. So companies use dynamic IPs to tackle the traffic on their network

Does static IP address increase speed?

IP address is just used to find your location so data can be transmitted to correct destination. It does't impact on speed. 

Benefits of static IP address

  • good if you have FTP server
  • A DNS server use static IP becuase it is communicating with the servers around the globe. Otherwise it would be difficult to find DNS server every time when you computer needs to find IP address of a new domain.
  • Online gaming servers needs static IP
  • If you are providing VoIP services. you must have a static IP. Otherwise connections can be intrupted if dynamic IP is used. Becuase dymanioc IPs continously changes.
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