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5 Conditions in Which Tenants Can Legally Break Rental Lease

Ethan Marton
5 Conditions in Which Tenants Can Legally Break Rental Lease

Some of the common obligations are:

Ensure that the water supply is available 24/7.

If you are looking for a professional to handle all the repairs, tenant screening, and other management tasks, then you should get in touch with Real Property Management Associates to avail the property management Cape Cod MA services for satisfactory results.

There can be two conditions:

Complain Directly to Health or Safety Organization: If a tenant is complaining directly to building department or other health and safety organization, then an inspector will visit a property to see if tenant’s complaint is having any merit.

In the majority of the states, if a landlord fails to fix a significant health or safety violation other than a simple repair, then the tenant is legally allowed to break the lease agreement.

Ethan Marton
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