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Sweet goodbye to Dessert names. Android Q is now Android 10

Nandhini Satheesh
Sweet goodbye to Dessert names. Android Q is now Android 10

Released earlier at Google’s IO 2019, Android Q is now set to be named as Android 10.

Google has planned and executed a host of UI, feature and security updates over various Beta developer versions of Android 10, the latest being beta 5 and beta 6.

PUBG sessions won’t ever be disturbed by random exits.

From a study by International Computer Science Institute, a whopping number of over 1300 apps are notoriously known for scraping personal data and information such as the MAC addresses, personal details, etc.

Android Q is said to have a Dark Mode over the entire UI, that can be toggled by a functionality button that toggles between light and dark themes and by toggling the battery saver on.

Android is said to have foldability toggle, in the latest versions of Developer Beta’s.

Nandhini Satheesh
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