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What do we know about Toyota Yaris so far?

Ammad Ali
What do we know about Toyota Yaris so far?

The car with the registration number BQQ-861 spotted on the motorway is powered by a 1329 cc engine.

The 1329 cc powered Toyota Yaris is the 4NR-FE unit which is capable of producing a maximum power of 98 hp and a torque of 123 Nm.

However, there is another possibility where IMC can pose a challenge to its opponent Honda Atlas, which offers City in 1.3L and 1.5L versions by introducing the 1.5L variant of Vios/Yaris as well.

So far, no possibility can be ruled out that easily because the company might not only be thinking about the replacement but to enhance the competition in this category against its competitor, Honda.

In India, it was recently launched last year in the 1.5L variant whereas, in the Thai auto sector, it has a comparatively smaller engine capacity of 1.2L.

The country’s auto industry is going through a deep crisis due to the depreciation of the local currency against the US dollar, which has resulted in a significant decrease in sales.

Ammad Ali
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