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GDPR Compliance | Best Practices for Mobile App Data

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GDPR Compliance | Best Practices for Mobile App Data

A recent Hubspot survey reveals that among 363 business leaders from developed nations, only 36% are familiar with GDPR norms. Misinformation and mismanagement of user data cause irrecoverable data breaches such as the Cambridge Analytica- Facebook incident. It is, therefore, critical for digital businesses to seek privacy and data protection services for maintaining GDPR compliant web interfaces.  

This blog post explores some best practices businesses can adopt to ensure that their mobile applications are GDPR compliant.


Understanding GDPR and its Implications for Mobile Apps


EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mandates worldwide data collectors to clearly disclose the usage of users’ personal information. The privacy-centric law that came into effect on 25th May 2018, aims to provide online users complete control of their information. It grants web users the right to know and express their consent about how companies process their everyday data.

The information can include anything from username, email address, location, call and message records, media files, and other chunks of online data.

The following are the four basic aspects of GDPR that every app owner and website developer must adhere to-    gdpr compliance data protection services  

Companies shall be penalized with a fine of 20 million euros in case of infringement of the above-mentioned GDPR principles.


READ THE FULL BLOG: https://dataprotectionandprivacy.oodles.io/blogs/gdpr-compliance-mobile-app-privacy-data-protection-services/

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