You're in that age where symptoms that The Mastery of Sleep Review are a bit uncommon then are common now. Add to that your recent inability to sleep well into the night. You tried everything from drinking warm milk to counting sheep, but to no avail. You know there's something wrong, especially since you're always tired, even during the day. You even had a sneaking feeling that you're pregnant ... but you're not, as your pregnancy test confidently showed. You attribute everything that's happening to you to your insomnia.
But are you sure that it's just insomniaThere's a big chance that you're currently exhibiting symptoms of perimenopause insomnia. Unfortunately for most women, they go hand in hand so if you're not showing other perimenopause symptoms, then you wouldn't know the difference. As with any symptom, it is best to consult a doctor or your health provider. But before doing so, make a check of yourself and see if you fit into any of these:
Stress. Does your work require your constant attentionAre there a lot of demands from your boss that you feel you can't give your allAre your kids bawling and fighting over who gets the remoteDid the roast chicken you put in the oven get burned to a crispThese and other happenings are obvious stress to your already tired body. Once stressed, you're sleeping habits change dramatically. Find ways to reduce the stress.
Carbs. Eating too much carbs especially before bedtime makes you feel too full. This sends a signal to your body that you're not ready to sleep yet. So unfortunately for you, you don't.